First, I want to personally welcome you to the 24 DAY CHALLENGE “A New Day, A Better You” program.
The 24 DAY CHALLENGE “A New Day, A Better You” is designed to make working out and eating healthy part of your daily habits. It will give you more energy, better sleep, lose body fat, toned body, but most importantly it will make you feel AWESOME about yourself!
You will work on building muscles by doing resistance exercises. When you add more lean muscle to your body, your metabolism increases even more. In other words you’ll burn more body fat and calories even when you are not exercising.
I also include HIIT, TABATA, and Steady State Cardio.
HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) and TABATA workouts are proven to produce tremendous results. The best part is they do not take long to complete and will burn tons of calories and shred body fat. There will also be a Steady State Cardio workout, this will change things up and to keep your body guessing.
Stick with the program, it works!
Congratulations on completing this challenge, as I believe if we commit together with the mindset (its already done) you will successfully complete.
And remember, there’s absolutely nothing to fear!
I will be training with you through every exercise, helping you push through each and every workout. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me anytime…
I hope you enjoy this challenge as much as I have creating it for you.
It’s time to Do Life Fit and get started!
No Gym Required… All You Need Is
– Stability Ball and/or Weight Bench
– Dumbbells and/or Resistance Bands
– Skipping Rope (optional)
– Yoga Mat (optional)
No Gym Required… All You Need Is
– Stability Ball and/or Weight Bench
– Dumbbells and/or Resistance Bands
– Skipping Rope (optional)
– Yoga Mat (optional)

Daily Nutrition Tips
❖ I suggest eating three main meals and approximately two – three snacks per day. (Keep in mind that everyone is different. Tweak according to what works best for you). If you follow the meal plan provided, it will be about 40% protein, 35% carbs and 25% fat. This is a good range to help keep you fueled throughout the day and allow you to shed unwanted fat, so you can reveal your toned physique.
❖ Eat your first meal within an hour of waking up. Time your meals so you’re eating every three to four hours. Try not to go more than four hours without eating anything – and if you’re hungry, move your timetable up so you’re having something healthy every 2 ½ to three hours. It’s the secret to speeding up your metabolism. (Again, as said above, everyone is different)
❖ I strongly suggest having a Healthy Nutritional Protein Shake once or twice a day to achieve weight goals faster and for a better overall health. It will help you stay on track, and still have a healthy controlled meal when you are in a rush. *See shake recipes PDF for ideas.
❖ Include in every meal & snack a source of protein (white meat, natural peanut butter, Greek yogurt, etc.), good carbs, (brown rice, pasta, oatmeal, beans, whole wheat bread, apples, oranges), & of course vegetables. *see snacks, breakfast, lunch, and dinner PDF for ideas.
❖ Drink lots of water! I suggest 2 liters. This is suggestive, as some will need more while others less water.
❖ I suggest taking good quality supplements such as greens, vitamins, etc. Email me for more details or suggestions at
❖ Avoid if you can, eating approximate 2 -3 hours prior to going to bed.
❖ Keeping a food journal will help you keep track.
❖ Stay away from fried food, bad sugars, & processed food as much as possible.
❖ You can have a cheat meal or a treat, but in moderation! (I suggest once every two weeks or so.)
❖ Consistency is key! If you have a day where you slip up … Don’t give up! Start fresh at your next meal or the next day. You can do it!
Let’s Get Started
Click Day 1