Do Life Fit With Elaina - 24 Day Fitness Challenge

Welcome To Day 24


HIIT  PYRAMID · Full Body Workout Overview

❖   Do the full routine without stopping.

❖   Take a one to two minute water break and repeat for a total of 2 to 3 rounds.

The Workout

Jumping jacks (round 1, 60 reps) (round 2, 50 reps) (round 3, 40 reps).

1. 20 Seconds jumping jacks.

·   Stand with feet together, knees slightly bent, and arms to sides.

·   Jump while raising arms and separating legs to sides.

·   Land on forefoot with legs apart and arms overhead.

·   Jump again while lower arms and returning legs to mid-line.

Jumping Jacks - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Jumping Jacks - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

2. Walk over push-ups (round 1, 15 reps) (round 2, 10 reps) (round 3, 5 reps).

·   Stand tall with your shoulders pulled back and your arms relaxed at your side.

·   Bend at your hip and lower your body down to the floor. Walk-out into a push-up position and perform a single push-up.

·   Walk yourself back to the starting position, stand back up tall and repeat.

Walkover Pushup - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Walkover Pushup - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Walkover Pushup - Pic 3 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Walkover Pushup - Pic 4 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

3. Front kicks (round 1, 20 reps each leg) (round 2, 15 reps each leg) (round 3, 10 reps each leg).

Get into proper stance.

·   To perform a front stance, lean forward while bringing one of your legs forward and bend your front leg at a near 45º angle. Straighten out your back leg.

·   Lift the knee of your back leg up as high as you want to aim.

·   Snap your leg out with your toes either pointing up or straight.

·   Curl your leg back to the same location that you originally started when It was bent.

·   Return your leg back to where it was or if it’s easier land on the foot that you kicked with, then slide your foot back.

Front Kicks - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

4. Squat plus calf raises (round 1, 25 reps) (round 2, 20 reps) (round 3, 15 reps).

·   Stand up straight, legs shoulder width.

·   Keep your head up at all time.

·   Begin to slowly lower your torso by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture. Continue down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Do not pass your toes with your knees.

·   Begin to raise your torso by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot and go back up on the tip of your toes and hold for a second. Return to the staring position.

·   Repeat.

Squat Calf Raises - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Squat Calf Raises - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

5. Mountain climbers (round 1, 50 reps) (round 2, 40 reps) (round 3, 30 reps).

·   Get on all fours and rise into a plank/push up position. Your shoulders, hips and legs should be in a long (angled) line, forcing your abs to work hard to hold the position.

·   Ensure your abs are contracted. Pull them up and in to stabilize your core. You will also keep your hips and abs in the same position while you do the exercise.

·   Bring one knee into your chest, as far as your flexibility will allow. It should be in line with your leg and chest, rather than out to the side. Your knee or clothing may lightly skim the floor.

·   Don’t lift your hips to make the movement easier. Keep them in the original plank position and only move your knee as far as flexibility allows.

·   Prepare your other leg to move as you place it behind you.

·   Switch back and forth between legs, extending one while the opposite one is bending.

Mountain Climber - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Mountain Climber - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

6. Superman (round 1, 30 seconds) (round 2, 25seconds) (round 3, 20 seconds).

·   To begin, lie straight and face down on the floor or exercise mat. Your arms should be fully extended in front of you. This is the starting position.

·   Simultaneously raise your arms, legs, and chest off of the floor and hold.

Tip: Squeeze your lower back to get the best results from this exercise. Remember to exhale during this movement.

Note: When holding the contracted position, you should look like superman when he is flying.

Superman 1 - 24 Day Fitness Challenge With Elaina
Superman 2 - 24 Day Fitness Challenge With Elaina

7. Crunch side to side (round 1, 30 reps) (round 2, 20 reps) (round 3, 10 reps).

·   Lie down on your back. Bend your knees so that your feet are flat on the floor.

·   Place your hands behind your head and lift your head and shoulders slightly off the floor.

·   Keeping your head and shoulders slightly elevated, move your upper body to the right. Imagine that you are trying to touch your right elbow with your right hip; keep your lower back and hips stationary on the floor.

·   Return to the starting position (do not lower your head or shoulders).

·   Repeat with the other side.

Crunch Side To Side - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Crunch Side To Side - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

8. Rope climbing with knees up (round 1, 60 reps) (round 2, 50 reps) (round 3, 40 reps).

·   Stand straight with the feet hip width apart, looking straight ahead and arms hanging down by your side.

·   Jump from one foot to the other at the same time lifting your knees as high as possible, hip height is advisable. The arms should be reaching up high as if you were climbing a rope.

Rope Climbing - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

9. Plank with shoulder tap (round 1, 50 reps) (round 2, 40 reps) (round 3, 30 reps).

·   Start in a push-up position. Lift up one hand to touch your opposite shoulder and return to the start position. Alternate arms, keeping your body in a straight line.

Plank With Shoulder Tap - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Plank With Shoulder Tap - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Plank With Shoulder Tap - Pic 3 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

10. Curtsy lunges (round 1, 30 reps) (round 2, 20 reps) (round 3, 10 reps).

·   Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Take a big step back with your right leg, crossing it behind your left leg.

·   Bend both knees and lower your body towards the floor until your front knee forms about a 90-degree angle.

·   Return to start and repeat on the other side.

Curtsy Lunges - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Curtsy Lunges - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

11. Triceps dip (round 1, 35 reps) (round 2, 25 reps) (round 3, 15 reps).

·   For this exercise you will need to place a bench or a chair behind your back. With the bench or chair perpendicular to your body, and while looking away from it, hold on to the bench or chair on its edge with the hands fully extended, separated at shoulder width. The legs will be extended forward, bent at the waist and perpendicular to your torso. This will be your starting position.

·   Slowly lower your body as you inhale by bending at the elbows until you lower yourself far enough to where there is an angle slightly smaller than 90 degrees between the upper arm and the forearm. Tip: Keep the elbows as close as possible throughout the movement. Forearms should always be pointing down.

·   Using your triceps to bring your torso up again, lift yourself back to the starting position.

·   Repeat.

Triceps Dip Set - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Triceps Dip Set - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

12. Front punches in a sumo squat (round 1, 100 reps) (round 2, 80 reps) (round 3, 60 reps).

·   Hands up, elbows in. Feet shoulder width.

·   Now extend (PUNCH) in the front, your left hand. Bringing the left hand back quickly.

·   Without stopping repeat with the right hand.

Front Punch Sumo - Pic 1 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina
Front Punch Sumo - Pic 2 - 24 Day Challenge - Do Life Fit With Elaina

Take a one to two minute water break and repeat the whole workout for a total of two to 3 rounds.


Now that you have finished Phase 1 of the 24 Day Challenge, its time to compare your results.

❖   When taking your “after” picture, use the same spot as your “before” picture.

❖   Weigh yourself first thing in the morning for best results.

❖   Measure your body parts.